A House of Revival is to be a hungry people seeking to dwell in God’s Presence and be obedient to the call and movement of it, fulfilling the commission of Christ.

 As a church family, our desire is to equip people to host the presence of God personally, relationally and corporately and to take the tangible presence of God wherever they go, into all the world. 

“And he has appointed some with grace to be apostles, and some with grace to be prophets, and some with grace to be evangelists, and some with grace to be pastors, and some with grace to be teachers. And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ.”

- Ephesians 4:11-12 (TPT)

How did we start?

Haven was planted in the summer of 2021 by the 6 founding leaders who had come from outside of Medicine Hat to fulfill a call of God on this city. After spending time together on a retreat, through prayer & seeking the Lord for His will for Medicine Hat, Haven was born.

In combination with some prophetic dreams & things we heard from the Lord that week, we settled on the name “Haven,” which is defined as a safe place for preparation, recovery & equipping, and as a harbour for ships to be prepared for their next venture.

This is who we are called to be: a place for you to come, be refreshed in the Presence, get equipped for the call of God on your life & sent out again, ready for your journey.

Already, we have partnered and sent out people as far as Korea & Kenya as a part of our family, and as close as sending out people to minister in nearer congregations.

We are determined to be a place of the Presence of God & of equipping the saints.

Where are we going?

Our vision is to be equipping the saints for supernatural Spirit-empowered life beyond the church walls. We have been called a church without walls, so our vision is beyond the 4 walls of our gathering space.

We believe God has called us to bring revival to personal lives, then into & through our families and homes, and finally into cities and then into nations. We are called to be houses of revival that bring revival everywhere we go. We have met at 6 locations in the past 2 years, but the mission and family does not depend on one building or place, it is the people & the Presence of God.

In July 2023 we found ourselves in an answered prayer after believing that God wanteed a more permanent location for us to put our roots down, a space that will create a future to impact more than just Medicine Hat as we grow and develop as a family. We are now at a 10 acre property that will serve as just that. Our dream is to launch from where the church has been for several hundred years into the next season of the church, beyond 4 walls and a building, and changing people, generations and history by bringing the Kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven.


  • Worship is about gathering around the Presence of God and ministering to His heart. Out of that posture, motive and ministry we believe the blessing of the Lord is given to His people and can be experienced in gifts and encounters. We as a family will choose to enter into worship joyfully regardless of our circumstances or emotions. We do not worship because we always feel or see Him being worthy, but because no matter our emotions or circumstances He is ALWAYS worthy, and that is why we worship.

    We believe worship is beyond singing but that the tradition and explicit direction in scripture shows worship in a corporate setting done through music and expressive creative arts, therefore we joyfully step into that heritage with Heaven.

  • Prayer is not just a systematic or liturgical reality. At Haven we firmly believe we are accessing communication with the One true God. We both speak and listen to His voice.

    We practice prayer personally in many styles including listening prayer (Hearing God’s voice) regularly for ourselves and when we have an opportunity, for others (Prophesy). We believe that as we commune in intimacy with God he speaks and we should listen and obey(Jhn 10:27-28, Rms 8:14-17).

    In this context the historical realities of prayer ring out in our congregation in some of its many forms. We have liturgical like prayer declarations every Sunday for offering, corporate prayer nights led by our leaders, a a prophetic intercessory group that meets regularly, engagement with city wide prayer events like REND as well as encouragement and equipping in the prophetic.

    Prayer is one of the main hubs of the wheel that creates motion towards revival and therefore we are committed to being a house of prayer.

  • Equipping is done through Giving Identity so people can Take Ownership, Receive Knowledge, and Desire Continual Growth to be Sent Out and Expand the Kingdom.

    We believe the five fold gifts of Jesus are given to equip the saints (Eph 4:12-13) and therefore our leadership aims to equip the body in every ministry we lead and over time as we are able will be releasing and producing practical equipping events & activation nights to help disciple and train up believers in living a supernatural lifestyle.

  • At Haven we believe that God desires to see the sick physically, emotionally and most important spiritual healed. We believe and often see the healing handy-work of God touch all these areas. We believe it is a part of being a disciple and doing all that Jesus commanded his disciples to do (Matthew 28: 20) including healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the leper, casting out demons (Matt 10:8., Mark 16:17).

    In our weekly gatherings we offer time at the end of the service for personal ministry and that includes any sorts of healings. If you are looking for deliverance ministry we would love to send you to a deliverance team connected to our church to assist with that or book a time with some of our leadership team.

    We have seen mental illness, brain fog, breast cancer, ligament and joint issues, muscle issues, fractured bones all healed in Jesus name for His Glory in our community regularly. We also frequently see people’s spiritual condition changed as they give their lives to Jesus and cross the line into kingdom family.

    Healing is a spoke in the wheel that stems from a lifestyle of worship, prayer & equipping as Christians. At Haven we would love to hear your testimony of healing on our testimony page OR partner in faith with you to see you find wholeness and freedom.

  • At Haven we believe Generational blessing is the outflow of a personal life in revival. We believe that if you are connected to the Heavenly Father and intimate with Him, that the outflow of His Spirit in your life will produce a love for the generations. That Fathers will be reunited with sons & mothers to daughters (Malachi 4:6) and that the blessing of God will flow through all generations (Ps 100:6, Deut 7:9-16, Ex 20:6).

    We believe that revival must happen first internally to the person, then to be most effective long term, passing through and lives out ini family & then to the church, city & Nation. If we get ourselves in a state of revival lifestyle, it should in turn effect everything around us.

    At Haven we aim to give opportunity for that through spiritual Mothers & Fathers being a practice, Revival Families as a source of community & family growth, and then how we aim to live our collective lives together as Haven to the city and communities around us.

    Generational blessing is also naturally an outflow of a life dedicated to worship, prayer, and equipping in the wheel of revival.

What about you?

So how does include you? We would love for you to join us on this journey! We can’t say we have all the answers on what our family will look like in 5, 10 or 25 years, but we know God has called us to change the environment and atmosphere of our homes, this city & nation, empowering them to live a Spirit-filled & Spirit-led life in Christ.

Come and be a part of this family & call by attending our Sunday whole-family gatherings & our times of prayer and worship, equipping, healing, evangelism & much more. If you love being with us, get plugged in and let us know if you want to serve in an area you’re passionate about seeing God move in!