Our hope is to bring you the hope of the nations, Prince of Peace & Lord of Lords.

Sunday’s at Haven

Parking & Coming In

At our current facility we have TONS of parking. You will see our big sign at our main entrance which is the far east side of our entry. If you follow the signs when you enter the property you will end up on the backside of some yellow shop & barn buildings where you will see a tent over an entry way, feel free to park with the other cars there. When you get to the front doors you will see some smiling faces and hands to shake wearing ‘greeter’ lanyards. If you need help with a wheel chair or accessibility, please ask a greeter to help or find assistance for you, we would love to help! It is a small step into our building we meet in.

Pre-Service Prayer

Our pre-service prayer starts at 9:15am, so make sure you grab a coffee and come on in to the sanctuary to join us in prayer! We take time to intercede for those coming in to the service that morning & for God’s Presence to fill us and move how He wants to move!

After our time of prayer, grab another coffee, say ‘hi’ to someone and find a seat! From that point we start our service with a countdown and then will go into worship around 10:30am!

Sunday Service

After the countdown, we will have someone open our formal service and go into musical worship. Worshipping in song and the prophetic will last about 60 minutes and then we will dismiss our kids and enter into a time of cheerful giving and testimony and hear our Sunday announcements! We advise bringing snacks for kids or big kids.

If you have kids, you can take them to the Kids church entry way in the centre of the building and sign them into Kids Church, then after the service pick them back up there again. At this point in our time together, someone will preach a message relevant to life in Christ and walking by His Spirit based out of scripture, so bring your bible and journal because we aim to empower and equip you to live as Jesus did and enable our minds to be transformed and renewed by Christ!

After Service

We highly value offering times of ministry to anyone who might need or want it, whether it’s for personal ministry or as an application to the message that was just shared. At the end of our service one of our Sr. Leaders and or ministry team members will share any prophetic words for personal ministry and if any resonate with you please feel free to come to the front and receive prayer/prophesy/ encouragement over you. Otherwise, feel free to connect with others, drink more coffee & pick up your kids if they’re in Kids Church.


  • Our services vary in length. Generally they last from 10am until about 1215

    We are not perfect so as we journey together in living life by the Spirit we sit and wait in God’s presence until we feel the Lord has been glorified and exalted and that He is satisfied and done His good work in us as we have ministered to Him.

  • First, we LOVE KIDS! And really believe in them! They are tomorrows leaders and revivalists! They are the most important people in the room.

    Second, We REALLY believe in parents discipling their children and modelling their relationship with Christ. Because of this, we believe that even if kids are just sleeping or colouring or if they participate in dancing and singing, having them in the presence of God now when they are young will help them discern and recognize it later when they are searching out what they believe is true. They will know when they found the truth and recognize it.