the table is the most important place of discipleship,

it is where generational blessing is won or lost

Listen to the why


  • The goal of Revival Families is to get together to spend time, be present & engage with each other. We all want deep relationships, but that takes investment. What you invest into will grow. So - the relationships you invest in, WILL grow!

    Everyone wants to be seen, known & loved. Our revival family groups are designed to make it easy for this to happen!

    How? By intentionally setting time to come together to share food, typically in a home (although you can also go out & do fun things together!) and simply connect with one another! Our goal is CONNECTION. This isn’t a Bible or book study, but a time to grow in trust & deeper friendship with one another. As you do, you begin to have people in your corner to do life with. We desire these groups to grow and to be places of affection for one another.

    Acts 4:32 talks about how the believers shared everything they had and how they were unified. How does someone know what you need if you don’t have any relationship built? How can you be unified if you don’t know/don’t love each other? Spending time getting to know someone is the core way of knowing who they are and what their needs are. We believe if we intentionally invest in relationships, the fruit will be unity, oneness, care and love for one another within our congregation, this will create the ultimate platform of spiritual growth!

  • This is open to everyone within our congregation! It is for singles, couples, and families, regardless of age! If you want to get more connected relationally within our community or you NEED community - this is for you! We desire to see groups with generational crossover. Why? We need each other! The younger generation needs the experience and wisdom of those older than them and who have gone before them. Those who are older can also humbly learn from the younger generation how to stay connected with this up & coming generation - the ones who are going to change the world after them!

  • At Haven, we stand on the belief that revival must start in our own lives! It then goes out into our families, our church community and then the world, in that order. We will not see sustained tarried revival unless we know how to steward the principals and lifestyle of the kingdom personally first. That is why Revival Families are our first approach to building revival in our church community. We aim to help our community foster safe spaces for life-on-life meaningful connection & for spiritual families to be birthed and grow! We believe that when someone feels safe and begins to open up their life for their fellow believers to speak into or share with, this is a launching pad for discipleship and intimacy with Jesus. From that place, one will grow and begin to release revival into the other areas of their sphere!

    Whether you are apart of a biological family or not, God makes it clear that family is on his heart! He shows that to us in a number of ways throughout scripture: He is our Heavenly Father (Luke 11:2; 12:32, Matt. 23:9, 1 Peter 1:17, Psalm 68:5, John 1:16-18). Paul says in 1 Cor. 4:14-16 that it is better to have 1 father in the faith than 10,000 teachers. Paul and John write about our grafting into and being adopted as Sons & Daughters into the Kingdom of God (Rom. 11:31, John 1:9-13). Being in and apart of a family is super important in the Kingdom!

  • Revival for our house is considered to be a state in which we (personally) are living in the Mark 16 great commission call. The fruit of that lifestyle is seeing our friends, family & community saved, healed, delivered and discipled, & where miracles are reinforcing the message of the Gospel (Mark 16:20). For the kingdom of God is not of word but of power (1 Cor 4:20)!

  • Why is the Table the centrepiece of Revival Families?

    This is because we see three realities of the Table.

    First, we see in the Gospels that Jesus had an importance in His life for feasts, festivals & meals with people. As we read in the scriptures, some of the most important moments & sacraments came from Jesus and His followers having a meal together.

    Second, historically, there have been generations of people who have gathered over a meal around the table to share wisdom between the older & younger generations, as well as the real conversations of struggle, joy, fun and difficulty all wrapped up into regular times of being together.

    Third, there is something scientific about a good meal. Seriously! Good food releases endorphins into our body and actually improves our mood. This creates a chemical marker in our brain which in turn will give us a marker for memory.

    All of these things combined creates a powerful tool for connectedness, discipleship & affection for one another. These things are the foundations for Revival Families. They will bond us together beyond belief systems, grow us in our unity and in faith as we reach into each other’s lives and participate with the Holy Spirit in relationship with each other.


    There will be food, and you will be together, typically in someone’s home.

    You can expect that this is not a Bible study, though you will likely find the bible and Jesus are talked about a lot! That naturally happens when we gather and open our lives to one another, the impact of Christ on our lives is expressed.

    You may not know everyone at first, but eventually you should have life long friends, family and ministry partners to walk through life with.

    Regular gatherings. These are always happening at the very least once every 3 weeks. Some groups will meet weekly, some every other week and some every three weeks. Expect to get together regularly.

  • Sign up! Scroll down and sign up!

    After you fill out your info our Community and Care Pastor, Janine, will reach out to you and let you know of groups that have openings to join as well as the frequency and time of meeting.

    Once you choose what fits best for you and or your family, then you can let her know and she will connect you with the Host & Heads of the revival family and you can jump in on their next gathering!

    If you have someone at church you have already contacted about going to their revival family, or someone has already invited you! Then GO! We would love for you to get connected as soon as possible!